Data Analytics

Heart Disease Prediction

Conducted statistical analysis for detecting potential heart disease by measuring resting blood pressure, serum cholesterol, maximum heart rate achieved. Used R Studio as the platform for conducting the statistical analysis. (Article Link | Repository Link)

Classifying Property Type

Produced and implemented predictions in Jupyter Notebook based on the most profitable properties for sale by using classifications algorithm in the form of Decision Trees, Naive Bayes, and Artificial Neural Networks. (Article Link | Repository Link)

StockX Data Visualization

Analyzed transaction data and designed visualizations (clustering, forecasting) for future sales by using Tableau. (Repository Link)

Walmart Customer and Branch Analysis

Analyzed Walmart Customer and Branches (California, New York, Florida) and designed the visualization for the analysis using Power BI. (Repository Link)


.in Online Shop

Created a simple online clothing store using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as the front-end, PHP as the server-side, and MySQL as the database. Provided features such as catalogue and cart for customer. (Repository Link)